CK GRID is an IOT based solution that uses data within your food service environment allowing you to manage your food service operation more effectively.

Gaining the digital understanding of your operations, using IoT sensors on site to monitor Storage, Operational and Service areas.  optimised against best practice algorithms.

Delivering new data sets layered against food safety, operational efficiency and brand compliance unlocks true operational insights.

A fully managed service platform for your foodservice operation that is built to scale with your needs.

  • Monitor your operations using IOT technologies
  • Enable digital food safety and brand compliance
  • Automate compliance tasks, manage by exception
  • Enabling your operations equipment, maintenance requests and overall efficiency

CK GIPHY will increase your profitability guaranteed, it’s a detailed granular dive into your data. Labeling and methods of using data in driving your foodservice operation. 

Delivering data analysis into the profitability of your operation against a theoretical, actual and potential profitability. Enabling you to breakdown operational hindrances that will drive your profitability

Enabling your foodservice operation with solutions that are available now and will drive the efficiency and profitability of your business 

A guided and led service that provides you with data analysis and tools that allow you to visualize the core control processes required for sustained success of your operation 


  • Define your master data sets and the critical control points of your operation
  • Implement methods to digitally monitor these in both isolation and context of grouping
  • Use your existing data and your new data to drive actions to increase profit
  • Empower your operations with toolsets providing data agility and accountability 

CK GATE is a detailed traceability solution that uses digital tagging and IOT technologies in combinationCost-effective solutions deployed into areas of your operation that would benefit from digital tagging.Solutions visualising digital handshake of information as processes transfer, blocks of data certainty. Bespoke solutions that cross a wide spectrum of technologies and integrate backwards into GIPHY and GRID

  • Use IOT technologies and integrated labelling technologies to gain true stock visibility
  • Manage the movement of goods with a digital record from each point of movement
  • Integrate with data sets and unlock digital inspections that ensure true compliance 
  • Manage internal or external communications with intelligent cloud linked data tags

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